A Minor Coup - The Kavanaugh Protests
No, I'm not talking about January 6th. I'm talking about the quick installation of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.
Brett Kavanaugh is once again in the news. He's now a Supreme Court Justice after a vote that was - to be nice - was contentious. A woman who was sexually assaulted by him testified in front of Congress was roundly ignored by half of the country and then mocked by the President of the United States.
It was understood at the time, but it's not been proven that the FBI decided to simply not investigate the accusations against the man that will soon likely decide if women have access to legal reproductive rights in the United States.
Kavanaugh responded like an indignant child to the accusations and questions that US Senators presented him at the all too brief hearings in September 2018. President Barack Obama had tried to nominate a Supreme Court Justice in a similar situation but he was refused by Senator Mitch McConnell claiming it was too close to a Presidential election.
The hearings saw tremendous protests in the nation's Capitol, with hundreds of people arrested. People protested in their representative's office buildings and in front of the US Supreme Court. They were arrested en masse in both locations... in stark contrast to right-wing protests 2 years later. No windows were smashed, no doors were knocked down.
Hundreds were arrested for doing what multiple right-wing groups would do years later with police escort and defense. Among them, a friend and former colleague Amber Gavin were zip-cuffed after a peaceful rally in front of the US Capitol.