‘They want to undo the #Metoo Movement:’ The people unite against Kavanaugh
Three hundred similar gatherings took place across the country, according to the organizers, including a wide number of groups like the Women's March, ACLU and Planned Parenthood Action Fund.
Zach D. Roberts / NationofChange / News Report/Originally published October 4, 2018
As I write this Wednesday night, the FBI investigation into Judge Kavanaugh is concluding and Senator McConnell is already calling for a vote on Friday.
That doesn’t mean that the people have given up though.
Earlier Wednesday evening 750 women and men gathered in front of the steps of the Supreme Court building to voice their concerns about the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the life long position as a justice. Three hundred similar gatherings took place across the country – according to the organizers – including a wide number of groups like the Women’s March, ACLU and Planned Parenthood Action Fund.
Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and Senator Jeff Merkley both spoke on why Judge Brett Kavanaugh shouldn’t be confirmed. Senator Gillibrand explained, “First of all he shouldn’t be on the Supreme Court because of his record, and what he believes.” Explaining that he was clearly against women’s right to choose, and against the ACA or Obamacare as he was beholden to corporations. She continued, “The White House is trying to jam this through as fast as they can… is the FBI doing the thorough investigation that was promised? No.”
California Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi took to the stage with the loudest cheers of the night, she thanked everyone for their protests saying “We have courage they have cowardice… let us see them respond to the truth.” Earlier adding they, the Republican Party, wanted to “undo the #MeToo Movement.”
Not sure too many people could argue with that truth. Many people at the rally were incensed by the Presidents mocking of Dr. Ford at a rally earlier in the week. Sophia and Alyssa from the University of Nebraska flew in to Washington D.C. to participate in the rallies.
Sophia: I think it’s very unhealthy for people and a lot of politicians to just debunk things that survivors say because it takes a lot of courage to come out especially on such a large scale like Dr. Ford has. To have that courage and that vulnerability in front of an entire nation of people, an entire world of people takes a lot to do. It takes a lot to tell your friends or your parents what happened to you. To tell the entire world is just really brave. Alyssa: I think to ignore just because he was young and he was 17 is completely absurd because that’s sending a message to so many young women, so many young people that are effected by sexual assault that if you don’t speak up in the next five years your story and your voice is not going to be heard.
The movement to stop Kavanaugh isn’t just a “woman’s issue” fight – Hillary Shelton of the NAACP spoke on many of the issues that Judge Kavanaugh has been terrible on such as voting rights and race. Adding that he was still trying to figure out what the “again” in Trump’s Make America Great Again slogan was alluding to.
The most heartbreaking moment of the evening though, was a McDonald’s worker who had been sexually assaulted on the job. Barbara, who only gave her first name told her story through tears of her humiliating treatment by her bosses at her job. The higher ups, even a woman did nothing at the company, and she eventually left. (Watch it here at News2Share’s Facebook page.) Barbara broke down halfway through the speech and was comforted by a protester that took the stage as people cheered “We love you.”
As the seeming inevitability of a Kavanaugh confirmation marches forward through the Senate, many members who are up this November may end up seeing early retirement brought on by their choices this week. Women vote more religiously than men, and the passion here tonight was palpable to anyone paying attention.