The Big Lie Right F*cks Themselves Over.
If you tell people they can't trust something, they're not going to use it.
It’s a simple story, the boy who cried wolf. Boy tells town people over and over again that there’s a wolf attacking the towns flock.
Every time they show up with guns and torches.
Every time they show up, there’s no wolf.
Eventually, an actual wolf shows up and no one comes to save the boy or the sheep. Well, that just happened and Charlie Kirk is that boy.
Turning Points USA founder Charlie Kirk spent some time reading listener mail from Georgia. They told him, according to the unfortunate person who has to listen to his show for Media Matters (the awesome Madeline Peltz), that they didn’t vote in Tuesday’s primary.
The Democrat, Senator Ralphael Warnock won the runoff and thus reelection with just under 100,000 votes (2.8%) more votes.
2000 Mules which starred Charlie Kirk and other Salem Broadcasting talent pushed the extremely false narrative that Democratic Party-affiliated non-profits used dropboxes across the state to dump ballots in them for their candidates. Not a thing in the film is true, or even adjacent to true… other than the idea that Brian Kemp and Brad Raffensperger can’t be trusted to run elections.
Follow Madeline on Twitter here.
You can listen to my podcast with Greg Palast where we have fun mocking the ridiculous narratives that Dinesh Dsouza pushes in the movie.
Greg Palast and I will have more on what actually happened in 2022 in Georgia at AND here at my Substack.
Great work, Zach! As always.