Charles McMillian, Witness to George Floyd's Murder Speaks to Visu.News
"Everybody got pay and including me, watch a man die and watching me right now, waking up to the first thing I hear is Mr. Floyd is saying mom, they killing me in the street and I lost my mom two years ago. Devastated and it hurts."
Charles McMillian
Charles McMillian witnessed the May 25th, 2020 killing of George Floyd by Derek Chauvin in Minneapolis. He spoke to me about that day and how he tried to tell Officer Chauvin that George Floyd was dying under the officer's knee.
I was going down Chicago Avenue, South, going South on to get to the corner South of 38 to make a left, but I got ready to make the gap.
I see a black man and the police having a little confrontation so I decidethat I wanted to pull over and see what was going on. And as I pulled over, I see the, all of them at the door. All these cops, Mr. Floyd, and they was talking after that, I've watched the police officer handcuff Mr. Floyd and takes him over to his squad car.
And Mr. Floyd was on the ground. I kept telling that the officer, bro. Get your foot off his neck because he's stopped breathing. He's now he's going to die and the officer refusedto get his foot off and Mr. Floyds neck and in the mean time that's what happened why Mr. Floyd died. Had all the kids had listened to me, for that one minute we wouldn't have all these problems going on and our state right now in Minnesota.
As we watched today in the trial - Mr. McMillian is still broken up about what he witnessed in May of last year. He told me that he lost his mom 2 years ago and he hears George Floyd crying out to him still.
"Everybody got pay and including me, watch a man die and watching me right now, waking up to the first thing I hear is Mr. Floyd is saying "Mom, they killing me in the street," and I lost my mom two years ago. Devastated and it hurts."