Zach D Roberts and Aaron Cynic are back with a conversation about Occupy Wall Street, which turns 10 years old on Friday, September 17th.
No OWS hasn't been occupying Zuccotti Square for 10 years but the legacy OWS lives on in many forms. There's no Bernie presidential run without OWS, there's no conversation about the 99% without OWS - we could go on - but that's why we recorded this podcast!
Zach was in NYC for the occupation at Zuccotti aka Liberty and Aaron was in Chicago's financial district and Grant Park.
This is a great piece in The Indypendent on how 9/11 set back the anti-globalization/pro-worker movement.
Lessons from OWS in The Guardian
Occupy Wall Street Did More Than You Think in The Atlantic by the co-founder of the Occupy Wall Street Journal
I was beaten several times and arrested at OWS #D17 along with hundreds of other journalists and activists. This is an excellent report detailing some of them. (The Global Justice Clinic (NYU School of Law) and the Walter Leitner International Human Rights Clinic at the Leitner Center for International Law and Justice (Fordham Law School)
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